Throughout this journey of life, our paths overlap. This generates pivotal points in our biographies. In these moments, we find company and connection. People who understand us, and people who support us. We find others to share our lives with, and they become an influence on what actions we choose to take. We observe, we exchange, and we find a way to be there for each other even when we are lost ourselves. This is what we call love, or at least a version of it.
Love is a reason to be better, a reason to keep going. It shows us how we feel, why we feel, and the reason for sacrifice: doing things we might not understand. When we love, we have purpose. And that makes it the most effective motivator for us, as humans. And by sharing this with each other, experiencing a plethora of relationships, we somehow morph through different versions of ourselves. We learn more about our tolerance, about our will, and about what we have to offer. We learn important stages of emotional development, which teaches us how to love without conditions... at least that’s the idea anyway. Although, there may be different gestures and explanations for who and what we love, the relationships we create are targeted to help us and this definition evolve. It’s in these discoveries that give us clarity and direction, a new meaning to life if you accept it.
So, what does love mean to you? This definition varies because it is typically an interpretation from our own experiences. What others know, and what we know about ourselves, is what we see. Ideally, we start our lives receiving love from our parents, but consider the love our parents received, and theirs before that, and so on. We seek friendships, like minded people who support us in ways our family does not. Then there stems a way of thinking that makes us find romantic partners, business partners, stability with another person. We find the people who help us build, where passion is born, but they are still created to make us look within, at our own idea of love and what it means, and they will forever challenge us. Yet, within these relationships, we seek and find a comfort, a piece of ourselves mirrored back to us. The people in our lives become both our hurdle and our support system.
Love, to me, has become a lifeline. When we feel that we can’t do something alone, we don't have to. When we second guess ourselves, when we are scared, or when we don’t know how to do something, it is the love from others that keeps us going. You can read all the books, you can practice all the techniques, but nothing will ever compete with the balance of energy, the stabilization of the human body, more than others like us. It’s why we are created. Love is a vibration, a feeling expressed through words or a touch. It’s what we all seek, whether this is an obvious or a subconscious approach. But as we all accept and experience love differently, we have to remind ourselves, pretty consistently, not to hold expectations for what this may look like. This is the concept of unconditional love.
Now, because we all have this desire, we have to understand that that can only be had when we lead with loving intentions. It’s the energy you are sharing with the world that is reciprocated back to you. We all have at least some kind of idea on how to show our love, thanks to the examples of the people around us. That's where we start. We express and share this energy, but then there is always a reaction. Is this the reaction you are expecting, or is this something meant to redirect you? We will all have different needs, and it’s important here to keep in mind the reaction from others is indicative of what they have experienced in life themselves. By embodying our own version of giving and receiving, however, we create opportunities to see others for who they are. We can see what they accept, or what they deny. This exchange is why we meet new people. It is a chance for growth, for expansion, or for leaving things behind- that being either our own behaviors or those relationships that are not beneficial to us. The path forward is in knowledge about ourselves. It really exhausts our energy to think we are able to solve others’ perceptions. We are not the interpreters of what we give, and this unveiling becomes another step toward our evolution.
Every encounter we face has a purpose in our path to fulfillment. The more complicated exchanges are where we have the chance to learn from the patterns that may have surfaced in the past, and strengthen our ability to love by acting in ways we find unfamiliar. Relationships are intended to be complementary to the life we plan for ourselves. They are keys to the next door being opened. Because when we begin to seek more in our lives, we also begin looking at the things around us. We try forming a way forward and suddenly understand why certain reactions are happening around us, and why we keep running in a continuous loop of dissatisfaction. The realizations we are spawning redirect our action, and this integration of learning what love is and how it's purposed, is how we find the contentment we seek- with wherever we are in our journey.
We will all have different paths of evolution, but find your truth in knowing your search for love, for companionship, is also a way of learning who you are and what you are meant to become. Unconditional love is an experience we all deserve, and sharing your idea of this, is how we awaken others. It is truly a universal language. It is peace that exists within and in our connections. Again, we all have our own versions of what this looks like, but that's the beautiful experience of life- to see the different aspects, to hear the different stories, to live full of passion and inspiration on this mission here, and sharing this love that we find along the way. Trust, feel, and know that everyone is on their own journey. Forgive others for their mistakes because we are all still learning.